If you are charged with assault or are faced with a protective order or peace order from your spouse or partner, the consequences can be permanent. Over the last few years, Maryland has taken an extreme approach to cases involving domestic disputes. There is even a special category for these in some jurisdictions, including Baltimore City. If you are charged with assault and the other party is your current or former spouse or partner, this can automatically trigger the case to move into the “domestic violence” arena which has special prosecutors and extra resources designed to punish offenders severely and they often seek jail sentences. If you area facing a protective or peace order, unless you win at your hearing, you will likely be forced to surrender any firearms you have and you will also have limitations placed on where you can go and who you can see. In other words A conviction will harm your career and your lifestyle and potentially your freedom. You may also lose your child custody and visitation rights. You may go to jail.
The Law Offices of Allan Rombro aggressively defends clients accused of domestic violence in both civil and criminal courts.
Call 410-580-9500 or send us an e-mail to arrange for a free consultation. Allan Rombro can evaluate your situation and discuss your legal options with you.
Representing You in Civil Proceedings
Following the issuance of a civil order of protection, the Court schedules a hearing. At that hearing it is essential that you are represented by experienced counsel. Attempting to represent yourself is not a wise move. If a protective order is issued against you, you may be forced to leave your residence and you may lose the use of shared property such as a vehicle. The existence of an order also acts as a red flag if you are stopped by the police for any reason. A final protective order typically lasts one year and can be renewed indefinitely.
The Law Offices of Allan Rombro can represent you at the hearing for the final protective order. Our firm can challenge false allegations of spousal abuse and family violence, put the events in context, and present your side of the story in a compelling manner.
We Are Prepared to Defend You in Court
Some defense attorneys can be too willing to make a deal with prosecutors. This can be a mistake, particularly in criminal domestic violence cases where a conviction can bring serious consequences.
Allan Rombro will work to build a strong and persuasive case. To accomplish that, our firm will first investigate every aspect of your case. We will listen to your story, interview witnesses and collect other evidence. We will challenge the prosecution’s evidence and witnesses using the facts and the law.
For a no-fee initial consultation with the domestic violence lawyer at the Law Offices of Allan Rombro, call 410-580-9500 or send us an e-mail. We serve clients in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, Harford County, and all counties in Maryland, including Ocean City and the entire Eastern Shore.
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